Let me start by asking you this. Did you know that Grape Popsicles are filled with magical powers? Me either! Let me share with you how I know this to be true....
It was the bottom of Round Seven and Kitty Girl Johnson was getting pretty tired from her bout with Whirlwind of Illness. Whirlwind of Illness had just done a face plant and Kitty Girl Johnson was feeling the need for some help too. Whew! We are tired just watching this battle, imagine how Kitty Girl was feeling!
This, as you recall, is when Cocoa Puff the Hamster came running towards the ring, with what appeared to be a grape Popsicle! You see, Ladies & Gentlemen, what Cocoa Puff & Kitty Girl knew was that grape Popsicles would transfer tremendous, super-duper, electrifying strength! ** ME*O0ooWwwZZzaAaa ** Just a few licks and Kitty Girl would be as strong as an OX! So strong in fact, that it gave Cocoa Puff enough strength to chew threw the bars of his cage!!!! Oh yes, as amazing as this sounds, it is true! Popsicle Power would give Kitty Girl Johnson the power to kick some Whirlwind of Illness Bootie!
Now that you understand Popsicle Power, we can resume our fight now in progress....
"Round Seven proved to be a strong one for Kitty Girl Johnson here at The Sacred Heart Dome in Spokane, Washington. The crowd is cheering, Kitty Girl, Kitty Girl, GggOOOooo Kitty Girl! Her new coach, Nurse Jackie, has just helped Cocoa Puff to the ring and Kitty Girl is about to unleash the POWER OF THE POPSICLE!!!
*Ding-Ding: "It's the top of Round 8 and Whirlwind of Illness is looking a little scared as Kitty Girl Johnson is charging towards him with fist flying and legs kickin'!! **ME-O0ooOWwwZZzzaAAA** Whirlwind of Illness cannot escape Kitty's Girls Popsicle Power strength and looks like he's going down again, Ladies & Gentlemen! 1...2...3..
Wait! Whirlwind of Illness is getting back up! ( Booo-Booo ) Holy COW!!!! Kitty Girl Johnson has just taken her writing board and broke it over Whirlwind of Illnesses head! That's gonna leave a mark, Ladies & Gentlemen.
Look! Over There! Who is it?!?! I cannot make out who it is from here. All I can see is a big puffy cloud of pink smoke and glitter! But I hear a familiar sound. Is that? Could it be? Ladies & Gentlemen, I think I hear a guitar! Do you hear it? "
*Stay tuned for the continuing saga of Kitty Girl Johnson and her Popsicle Power...
Again, thank you for allowing me to entertain our Maddy. She's so very strong and if I can somehow bring a smile to her sweet face, I'm going to do it!
She is continuing to initiate her own breaths as her vent settings continue to be changed. She sat up yesterday, which was awesome!!! Her sats are in the high 80's and the low 90's. Which we are happy about as well. Her O2 on the vent is between 35-40% w/ the peep @ 8. She is proving to us each day that she is our miracle in the making and we are so very proud of her and how far she has come!
We also need you to know how much we appreciate your love. prayers, and support. It is so comforting to have all of you to share in Madelyn's progress. Thank you.
Sacred Heart, as usual you continue to Rock! Ronald McDonald House, thank you for providing a bed for the family. It's so comforting for Kara, Bob, & Mallory to be able to stay close to Maddy.
Here's to our Kitty Girl who is continuing to be STRONG! Keep up the Awesome Job Maddy!