Thursday, March 26, 2009

Our Chatty Maddy

For those of us who know how talkative our little Madelyn is, you will be able to appreciate how much we have all missed her chatter. She can talk about bugs and cats more than anyone I know. We love this about Maddy!

This morning Madelyn is having a surgery to allow her to begin the recovery of her vocal cords. She will have a tracheotomy to allow her ventilator to be removed from her mouth and attached directly to her windpipe. She's pretty scared, but understands that this will be the quickest way to getting better overall. Her sats are looking strong and we are super grateful for her team of doctors here at Sacred Heart. The Sacred Hearter's are a very special group of individuals who have one common goal, making the sick well. Thank you Please take a moment this morning to keep Maddy in your prayers as she undergoes her surgery. Thank you.

* As of 12:45 this afternoon, Madelyn is in recovery from her surgery. The surgery went just as planned. She was also able to receive a catscan and her lungs are still in poor condition, but they don't show any more neucrotic tissue. Great!

We are eagerly awaiting the day when Maddy will be talking our ears off once again, singing in her band with her Sister Mallory & Dad, and telling us stories of bugs, kitties, and her everyday adventures. We sure do miss hearing her stories.

We thank you for your continued support and love. We are surrounded by so much love and it truly warms our hearts.

Here's to a successful surgery and to our Chatty Maddy. She is in our prayers today and always.


  1. Good Morning Maddy,

    I can feel in my heart that everything went well with surgery yesterday. I too look forward to hearing you again share about all the great qualities that kitties and insects have. Insects yes....but kitties, or rather cats, I'm still going to need some convincing. (Remember Guido?)

    Have a great day! Get a lot of rest and we'll chat later. Your classmates have another surprise for you and I'll send it home with Mallory today.

    We all love you and you are constantly in our prayers,

    Ms. Johnson (DAWG teacher)

  2. Hello Maddy (Mallory & Family, too)!

    I awake this morning like the last 17 mornings wondering how you are doing today, I know that you are doing the best job you can. You are such a fighter and we are all so proud of you. Your sisters eyes were just gleaming with joy after being able to see you up close, hold your hand, give hugs & kisses, the day before. I could see the smiles in your eyes, you both were so happy to be together again. And soon you will be telling here about all your dreams and wishes. You are so lucky to have such a wonderful, caring, and loving family & friends. We will say a little prayer (like everyday) this morning that everything will go just great, so you can take more steps to getting better.

    We are looking forward to camping at the "River", your dare devil of a Dad is already excited to ride his bike off the ramp and dock into the water, now does that sound like him or what?

    Love you, get rest and we will be talking to you soon. xoxoxoxo

    Love & Prayers,
    Carrie, Bob, Bryce & Hunter ;)

    P.S. Sorry this is such a long post :)

  3. Hi Maddy,

    Today I looked at the pictures posted of you and Mallory. You are looking so good! I thank God for how much stronger and healthier you are getting every day!

    You have so much courage, Maddy! I know you are encouraging other people too! (I'm encouraged by you!) I'm looking forward to visiting with you and your family the next time I have a trip to Spokane!

    Take care, God bless, and congratulations on getting that tube out! Maybe you can use it for a hamster tube! Ha ha, just kidding. :)

    John P. (Love you guys!)

  4. Madelyn, hope you are doing good after your surgery. I bet you can't wait to talk again. I think of how nice it was to talk to you at Jeannine's graduation party, and how proud your family is of you. Thinking of you each day. Sandy Gyswyt

  5. maddy i miss you sooo much i cant what to see you i know you can do it! the class misses you to! we moved spots today so we do not sit by each other now but i have your name tag now but if you wont to have it i will give it to you. but i still miss you a lot

    love whitney

  6. Madelyn,
    I am so proud of you. Your surgery went so well today. You are so brave. Your lungs are healing slowly but surely. Now I can see your pretty smile thanks to your new trach. Thanks for showing me your pearly whites. We love you so very much and know you will get better soon.
    I love you Madelyn!

  7. Dear Maddy and Family!

    I just want you to know that the Prayer Warriors at the United Methodist Church in Wheatland, WY are still praying for you all. Get well soon, Maddy!

    Bryce Harmon's Grandpa, Jerry

  8. Dear Maddy and Family,

    We are so glad to hear that the operation went so well. You amaze us everyday, little Maddy..... Mallory looked so happy to finally be able to hugg her favorite and only sister. Kara, we are all amazed at how well you've held up through all this. You are my all time mommy hero. Take care Johnson Family and know that you are in our prayers constantly
    Brigitte H

  9. Dear Bob, Kara, Madelyn, and Mallory,

    We were delighted to read that the surgery went well today. There were extra prayers for all of you this morning at work.

    Thanks, Sharla, for adding information to the blog after the surgery. We really appreciated it.

    Love you guys,

    Judy and Ed

  10. Maddy we are so glad that you went through surgery well. We hope to see you soon. Love ya. We want our chatty Maddy back.
    We can't wait to your smile again. You are
    in our prayers.
    Whitney & Taylor!

  11. Hay maddy the class just made nother suprise for you. We changed desks. we all miss you and hope to see you soon.we are all praying for you. You are in are thoughts and prayers. we all know you can make it trough this! we hope to see you soon!

    Kaitlyn Holland

  12. Good evening to you maddy,
    I am so happy that surgery went well for you today. You are such a strong little girl. We keep you in our thought and prayers every moment of everyday. KaRina, KiKi, Jared, Dre' and LaLa ask about you everyday. We can't wait to have another water fight with you and Mal. We stoped in front of your house today and yelled " HI MALLORY" to your sister as only the gordon gang can do.
    All our Love is sent your way little one,
    The Gordon Family

  13. Hi Maddy,
    It is so wonderful to see you with your sister and holding hands. I am glad that your surgery went well today as well.
    We(coworkers) are amazed at you!! School HOMEWORK was a topic of conversation tonight and we all were so downright impressed by your dedication!! Wow, you are amazing Maddy.
    I still think about the kitty jokes your friends told from school,the Spring Poem, and of course you eating jello all day in the hospital!! And all of the other nice words from your classmates. I keep thinking of the Spring and you being like it Maddy.
    Prayers continue to flow your way and to your family. God Bless, Julie S.

  14. Good Saturday Morning Maddy,

    I pray you had a good night of rest following your surgery. May the scary parts be soon over.

    And, Dear Lord, I pray that you heal Maddy's lungs and allow her to return home soon.

    Love and support and prayers,

    Julie Foster
