Saturday, April 4, 2009

Giving Thanks

Being Sunday, as many of you are off to church we think of how blessed we are,and about giving thanks for life.
Growing up, every Sunday our church was the Pioneer Cafe. It was time spent together and I believe it was an understanding that happened....we were thankful for the time we had together....and the extra whipped cream on our cocoa! : )

So, wherever you give thanks for being alive, whether it be in a temple, a church, or a cafe, please keep Madelyn in your thoughts today. It is truly a miracle that she is alive and I for one, am so completely and sincerely THANKFUL! I am actually brought to tears at the very thought of how amazing Madelyn is. To be so strong and to never give up! Maddy, YOU inspire me to live my days as fully as possible! Thank YOU Maddy for being SO brave!!

Yesterday, Madelyn's Infectious Disease doctor was at the hospital and when he came into Maddy's room he was completely blown away by seeing Madelyn! One, he could not believe she was even alive because he had never seen a kid come in that sick and live! And Two, to see her progressing so well is incredible. This speaks volumes to the very special person Maddy is and that her life was spared because we needed her here to fill our days with chatter about butterflies, bugs, kitties, and motorcycles. Oh, and frog bay too!

Maddy is continuing on her way. She continues to live in the ICU unit as her lungs heal and she works on becoming stronger. She was taken off her ventilator, yet on oxygen for about an hour to begin her lung function testing and healing. They will continue to do these kinds of tests as her numbers continue to improve. Other than that, her numbers are staying pretty much the same and we are happy about that! Way to go Maddy!!!!

We are thankful for each of you, our extended family who have prayed, fed, and loved with the very best of you! Thank you for always keeping a special place in your heart for our Maddy. We also ask you to continue to keep her in your thoughts and prayers as you move through your day.

My heart overflows with gratitude for Madelyn Marie Johnson being in our lives.


  1. Hi Maddy and family,
    Just want you to know we are still hanging in here with you. Reading your blog everyday. Knowing you are improving and will be home soon. So glad you have all your loving friends and family around you.
    Love and prayers
    from the Short/More familys.

  2. Good morning Maddy and family,

    What a beautiful day! The sky is blue and the sun felt warm on my shoulders as I went outside to play with the dogs. It fills my heart with joy.

    Nothing fills my heart with more joy than hearing more good news about your recovery, Maddy. Your aunt is are here to remind of us how wonderful and truly special life is and how "cool" all of God's creatures are.

    Thank you for making my life even better! Keep fighting and I hope to hug you soon.

    Always love and prayers,
    Ms. Johnson D.T.

  3. Good Morning Maddy,

    Whitney and all of us at the Kimball house just want to say "hello" and tell you we are so happy that you keep on making more progress. An hour off the vent yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow, keep up the good work!!!!! We love you and miss you so much. Can't wait to see you. We pray for you every night at the dinner table and in our beds at night and plenty of other times during the day. Our thoughts are on you all the time! We love you and your family! The Kimballs

  4. Hello darling kitty girl,
    How has your day been? I hope all has gone well for you today. I spoke with your daddy for just a few minutes this morning, and girl, his eyes just light up when he talks about how well your doing. Crazy as it may sound, I am so happy to hear that you are coughing up the nasty crud in your lungs. Thats a great big step in gettin those nasty bugs out of there. YEAH!
    Have a good evening, and know that we keep you in our thoughts day and night.
    sending lots of Love your way,
    the Gordon Family

  5. HI Maddy and Family,

    I have visited your blog only once before at the prompting of Pastor John from Mosaic Fellowship and was then committed to pray for you. Today in service the whole church prayed as a Native American flute was played. It was very touching to know that God is working in your family and healing you, Maddy. As a church we will continue to pray for your healing and strength to get everyone through these times.

    Nick W.

  6. Hi Maddy we are aall praying for and hope you feel better! We love you so much!:)

  7. Hi Madelyn, it's mommy. Have I told you lately how proud I am of you. Well, here it is. You deserve one big award for being so brave throughout all of this. Actually, your heart deserves a big award. The dr. said it was your strong heart that got you through this. I think I am going to make a picture of your heart and I am going to put a big gold star and or blue ribbon on it. Don't you think that is a good idea. You are so much braver than i would be. You are such a wonderful daughter just like your sister. I feel so blessed to still have two wonderful daughters. Thank you GOD. I am so thankful for all of the great doctors and nurses and resp. therapists too. All of them kept you alive. Thank You.
    We love you Maddy. Sleep well tonight.
    Love, Mommy

  8. Hi Maddy,
    I am so happy to hear that you were off of your vent for an hour, way to go!!! Baby steps all in the right direction. Matt and Allison wanted me to tell you a joke that they got off of their popcicle stick today. They thought it was cute, so here goes.....
    What building has the most stories?

    A library !!!!

    Allison didn't quite get it at first, then came the delayed laugh!!

    Keep up the good work. I'll have a joke next time for ya!

  9. Good morning Maddy,

    Well it is over. Spring break that is... It's back to the classroom today. I must say I do miss all the kiddos. They crack me up.

    I do look forward to being able to tell all the kiddos how well you're doing. Between Whitney and I, we tried to share your incredible news, daily. They are all concerned and miss you very much. I'm sure they are all dying to hear more good news.

    Keep up the great work. I'll bet you are giving those wonderful Sacred Heart workers surprises daily with all your progress. I also bet they love you just like we all do!

    Love and prayers,
    Ms. Johnson D.T.

  10. Love and prayers for all of you!

    Maddy, to see you STANDING UP with your Dad at your side....that brings me to tears..... You are the young lady that I prayed to God to SAVE YOUR LIFE!

    I forgot to look forward stand, to walk, to care/worry about your homework..........You have the strength to do it all.

    Hugs to all people that love and care for you and keep you in their prayers,


    Julie Foster
