Monday, April 20, 2009

Laughter Returns to Sacred Heart

Madelyn is doing wonderfully today, off oxygen for most of the day thus far and is looking forward to going home soon. Her Dad called me this morning, laughing at the bruise I accidentally caused on Maddy's forehead. Yes, Laughter filled his voice! And no, Maddy is not hurt. Just a little Auntie Sharla war wound that will pass.

While in the beginning, we never could have imagined that laughter would be ours at Sacred Heart. Our souls were filled with sorrow and sadness, not knowing if Maddy would survive. Our Madelyn has defied the odds and lived! She has not only lived, but is healing faster than most ever thought possible. Now laughter fills our days again with an extra sense of joy as we are able to celebrate with Madelyn as she nears the day when she is able to return home!

We can laugh at the little things like the "Sponge Bob Zone." It's a new condition the girls have developed while at Sacred Heart. It's very serious. It's caused by watching so much Sponge Bob that they become entranced. They can't seem to hear us anymore once Sponge Bob comes on! It's really serious!

Or squirting Barnyard Berhnard when he pops in for a breathing treatment. Again, laughter fills our room.

Or being reminded by Dr. Lee that we are in a hospital as we clap & cheer when Maddy's got her trach out. Again, laughing at ourselves for being so loud and boisterous!

Laughter truly is the best medicine and I am grateful that our days are once again filled with happy times. So many happy days await Madelyn & Mallory, and for our entire family.

Thank you, each of you, who have prayed for Maddy. Madelyn is a survivor and I am grateful that she is alive and doing so incredible well. Thank you for caring not only about us, but for us. We are truly the luckiest people to have you in our lives. We also want to especially thank the entire staff at Sacred Heart who have cared for Madelyn. Maddy is alive in great part to you and your love for what you do. You may never truly understand the comfort you have given us, but know that we are eternally grateful for you and the excellent care you have provided Madelyn.

Let's celebrate with Madelyn! Celebrate her incredible recovery! Celebrate that is she is a Miracle, our Miracle! It's time to Celebrate Madelyn Johnson!


  1. Hey Maddy,
    Looking good and it is music to the ears to hear that you are doing well!! Though you have been well taken care of at Sacred Heart by so many different people that ROCK, I am sure that you are ready to get to your own home!! You are a miracle for all to see and to CELEBRATE!! Keep on keeping on Maddy!!
    God Bless, Julie S.

  2. Way to go Wondergirl!!! Bless your sweet heart for all the fighting you
    are doing and for all the great doctors and nurses you have and for your family and friends singing praises and saying prayers all the day long.
    It looks to me little girl that you have something that every kid wants one time or another....A BAND-AID!!!
    Soon it will be gone and soon you will be home with Mama and Daddy and Mallory. Just in time for the sunny, warm weather we have all been hoping for.
    Keep up all your good work Maddy. We love you, tons.
    Bart and Nan

  3. Hi Maddy,
    How exciting for you to be able to go home soon. Pretty soon there will be a hampster running around your house. Hmmm....I wonder how your 5 cats will like the hampster??
    I saw my little bunny Hoppy today. He was hiding under a bush and is growing up fast.
    Take care Super girl.

  4. MEOW! MEOW! MEOW!....Can you hear them? That's all the kitties out there welcoming you home. They heard the rumor that Maddy was going home soon and they are singing with pure joy!

    WOOF! WOOF! The doggers are now joining in. They too want you to know they can't wait for return home. All will be well once again in the animal and insect world when their friend Maddy is back among them.

    Oh! The dilemma at the Johnson house. Which kitty will Maddy pet first. Who will get to rub against her pretty pj leg and who will get to sit on her lap? A team hug?

    Have a lovely day deciding Maddy and know we all are soooooooo proud of you!

    Love and prayers,
    Ms. Johnson D.T.

  5. Dear Everyone and Maddy,

    Thank the Lord for good health and the beauty of Spring.

    The flowers are blooming and Maddy is blooming as well.

    Thank you Lord, for caring for this young have heard our prayers and are choosing to answer them by saving her.



    Julie Foster
