Saturday, April 4, 2009

Madelyn the Great!

Thank you for logging on once again to monitor the progress of our Madelyn. We so appreciate all of your loving, supporting words. It's not only comforting to Maddy, but to the entire family. Thank you.

Madelyn had a very exiting day yesterday!!! She received a small, talking computer device that she can type in what she wants to say, and it speaks it for her! Very Cool! Yet, another reason we LOVE Sacred Heart. Thank you!
Madelyn also received a super special gift from her Dad's Friend's Rod & Kristen and his entire new laptop computer with web cam & all the bells and whistles for helping her in communicating and playing with her webkinz. Awesome! Thank you!!

Maddy's numbers are hanging tough today. About the same as all week, which is awesome and we are very happy & grateful for. She's continuing to show us all how very strong she is, which is no surprise at this point because we know that she ROCKS!!!!!

We continue to give our sincere thanks to all of you. The support at Sacred Heart is truly amazing. From the comfort that is given through a warm bed so they don't have to
sleep too far away, to the warm socks for Maddy....Thank you!!!!
Continued thanks to all of you.....our family & friends who do so much in so many ways. Thank you!!!!

Here's to our Madelyn the GREAT! Thank YOU Maddy for working SO hard for us! We know how much you want to be well and you work incredibly hard each hour of your day to fight to get there. We love you and are cheering you on all along the way. Keep up the Awesome job Mad!

*No new adventures just yet today. Will need to wait for the Kitty Girl Saga to unfold....after auntie sharla finishes her napa wedding. : )


  1. Good Morning Maddy,

    It looks like it is going to be a beautiful day outside today. Did you wish this for being all powerful and all. We sure do thank you if you did.

    I heard the great news-a laptap? Cool! I knew they couldn't keep your great mind resting for too long. It is thirsty for more information, isn't it?

    Keep up all the great work and if you feel a little down....just think you could be having to play "pooper-scooper" like I am doing today. Yippee!

    Love and miss you,
    Ms. Johnson D.T.

  2. God Morning Maddy,

    it looks like you are showing a good sine!
    i am so proud of you keep it up! I miss you so much and i can't what to see you soon.I love you.keep up the good work!

  3. Good Afternoon Kitty Girl Johnson.
    I actually asked for some Kitty Girl Power today, I needed it! You are an inspiration there Maddy!
    Your computer sounds really cool!
    One of many cheering in your corner,
    God Bless, Julie S.

  4. Wow! You got a laptop, that is so cool and it is definately going to be a lot of fun! I am so glad to hear that you are making so much progress, you are sure one tough cookie.

    Keep up all of the good work Maddy
    Casey Harkins :)

  5. Hi Maddy Girl,
    How are you doing today? I hear that you got a new lap top....How way cool is that??!?
    I hope that you don't get cramps in your fingers from "talking" to much. And I'm guessing that the "talking" contraption that the hospital has given you to use is kinda cool too. Rest well little angel, Lot's of Love is being sent your way.
    The Gordon Family

  6. Auntie Felise here: you are looking so much better that I just had to tell are now in the recovery part of all this sick stuff...and you are certainly a trooper...I'm very proud of you, but I didn't expect any less of you...keep smilin' and working hard...soon you will be outside chasing bugs and, auntie felise
